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Waiting In It to Walking In It

Waiting In It to Walking In It

There’s a post being reshared on Facebook that states, “At any moment God can shift you from waiting on it, to walking in it.” When I saw the post it instantly resonated with my entire being, because literally this time last year I was waiting in it & today I am walking in it.

By the time I share this blog it will be 3/14/2022. I launched Successful Black Girl last year, 5/26/2021, on my 30th birthday. During that time I was “waiting” and I had been waiting since November 2020 and I had been feeling uncomfortable since May 2020.  Fast forward, on 3/9/2021 I was unexpectedly fired from job my after receiving a nearly perfect evaluation. That’s another story for another day. I will mention it later…so on 3/9/2022 I lost my job and on 3/24/2022 SULC sent me an email informing me my current LSAT score did not establish me as a competitive candidate. Mind you I had taken the LSAT numerous times within the past decade. Blow after blow, back to back. Despite both blows I was still believing in God, because He had previously told me I would get in school this cycle…I just didn’t expect to be “waiting” this long.

In my last blog on 6/1/2021, I stated, “I’m honestly between a rock and a hard place right now and it feels extremely uncomfortable, but this moment I am in is the part that takes place right before the breakthrough. I’ve weathered many storms and thus far, I’ve survived them all. I know what could possibly come next, so I am choosing to hold on and remain in good faith. When I went to Atlanta earlier this month one of the presenters said, “It has to happen or it has to happen!” There is no other outcome.”

No one really tells you how hard, uncomfortable, discouraging, and even depressing waiting can be. Sometimes waiting even makes you feel like all you’re doing is just existing, no purpose. It seems like when you’re waiting God is distant, He’s not really hearing your prayers, or feeling your cries. There were times I felt like I couldn’t even pray, because what more could I say? What more could I ask for? There were times that my only prayer was, “Lord, let me plans align with yours.” Sometimes we wait so long we start to think of every reason something hasn’t worked out and I was down to the last possible reason: it wasn’t meant to be, this wasn’t what God wanted for my life. I clung close to Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you…”

If you’re in a season of waiting right now, despite how it feels, remember that God’s timing is perfect! Although God’s timing can sometimes feel like a long, desperate delay, remember at the RIGHT TIME, God will provide. God’s perfect timing does two things: it grows our faith as we are forced to wait and trust in God and it makes certain that He gets the glory and praise for puling us through.

While I was waiting I was still making plans for my relocation. I was apartment hunting, I was looking for moving companies, I was buying things I needed, I was throwing away things I wasn’t taking…I knew God wasn’t going to forget about me this time. I heard Him and I felt it in my spirit, but the waiting was still hard. Imagine it being late June and you still don’t know if you will be able to start school in August. Talk about waiting and believing.

Well on July 2, 2021, I finally got the acceptance I was waiting for. It has been 7 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days since I’ve transitioned from “waiting in it” to “walking in it.” Let me tell you, finally “walking in it” has been more than I could have imagined. I am doing well in law school. I finished my first semester with (2) As, (1) B, and (1) C (I’m not even upset over this C! Lol), I was elected to serve as the Evening Division 1L Class Rep, I won the Hennessy Fellow pitch contest, new job relevant to school, and recently elected as the 2022-2023 Evening Division President….I am walking in it and I walking in it with joy, because this is my moment! I promised God if He got me in school I would do my part…and that is what I am doing! Despite how I felt, God didn’t forget about me. I was just waiting on His perfect timing!

I honestly can’t thank God enough! From waiting to walking….

If you’re waiting right now, find you a verse, a prayer, a friend, a journal, a therapist…find something or someone to help you hold on until God’s perfect timing arrives. Hold tight my girl, He has not forgotten about you! If you ever need a listening ear or encouragement while you wait, please know that I am always here for you!

 With Love,

-The Imperfect [Pending] Successful Black Girl



  • Merdith Gray

    Whitley this absolutely touched my soul. You have always been different in and of itself spiritually, but you’ve had that "I’m not going to let go until you bless me " encounter. I love this and I don’t know how I found this page but I am grateful that I did. I will be praying for you because I know where God is sending you to. It will be so worth it. Be Blessed

  • Jeslyn Lewis-Matthews

    Ma’am… excuse me, Ms. Ma’am!
    I am clapping! Crying! Laughing! Standing and Clapping! Fist pumping! Smiling! Did I say CRYING?!?!?!! Who told you to be so wise and so young? As the old people say, Have you been here before? Ooooowee this touched my entire soul and every fiber of my being! See when you’re connected, He walks with ya, talks with ya AND He PROVES HIMSELF TO YA! The human side of you may begin to doubt “during the wait,” but still you wait! Because the spirit man TRUSTS in the GREAT I AM! You got my spirit stirred Whitley! I’m in the beginning phase of my walk, but WALK (strut) I shall! This was better than Campbell Soup, definitely ummmmhmmm goodT!!!

    Very well said! Very well done! And I know there is so much more to come! Walk it Out Whitley, WALK IT OUT!!!

  • Eileene Victorian

    Whew!!!!!!! You never cease to amaze me….this has BLESSED MY SOUL!!!! 🙌🏽 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

  • Saniah Parker

    Yesss Love it. Very Inspiring


    Very nice testament. Keep your head to the shy!!!

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